Sunday, February 24, 2013

Faith, hope and love!

I can loudly say, though some may not agree with me (!) that we almost spent our first week of the second semester reflecting on three words: faith, hope and love. Different professors ‘broke’ these three words from the different point of views. Though my professors developed these words based on Christian theology, scripture, ethics, here I made an attempt to look at them from a ‘secular’ point of view (theology in daily life!).

Love: come back to me!

Unexpectedly I noticed a few sentences written in Bangla on the facebook, posted by a person whom I knew quite knew. I was also aware of the inner struggle he was going through. His words were so powerful that I called him immediately and spoke for sometimes. At the end I asked him if I could translate his words into English and post them in my blog. He gave me permission. Here you go…

“There are two very powerful realities: Time passes and the people changes. Now we do not require any reason to change. We can change and do change ourselves without any reason. Sometimes, people very close to you become unknown to you. But in this drama of changes, some people remain the same. They remain as they are. Perhaps they are most lonely person in this world! I am one of them. I tried to change myself, but I could not. Is it really necessary to change? You changed yourself. You left me. Come back to me, my love. You are my life, my love. I need you only, because you are my love.”

These words reflect of a true love. From my personal encounter with that person I can say his love was really genuine and self-giving. Unfortunately this true love has had an untimely death. One person hold on to love and the other left the love. ‘The love’ which could have been the source of a beautiful life has turned in to reason to say ‘NO’ to life.

Back to my classroom: Jesus loved us so much that he laid down his life. He wanted us all to live in his love. What does it mean to live in the love of Jesus? Should I answer this question? No! I leave it to be discovered…and I continue to listen to my professors!!!

(Next post on ‘hope’…)

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