(Time and again, I was asked to share about my faith experiences. Frankly speaking, it is not easy for me to share about faith experiences. I often hesitate to share, thinking my experiences might sound silly and stupid to others. But there are certain experiences, persons and moments that gave me ‘DEEP’ experiences along the way. While thinking about ‘the year of Faith’, I tried to articulate these experiences here. Perhaps these are too stupid, too silly, too childish…but they are priceless to me! They keep me going…)
Faith: In the face of human experience
This time, after a long time, I felt writing is difficult! I was clear about my thoughts as was convinced of what I wanted to say. But I did not know how to put them in right expressions or in logical order. It is something like writing a mail to someone whom you love most. Often our human languages fail to express our true love.
Keeping in mind ‘the Year of Faith’, in my previous four posts I have attempted to share four concrete examples, which somewhere along way made impact in my life. These were, in fact, outcome of my ‘inner search’, what I have been deeply thinking for quite sometimes.