Sunday, October 30, 2011

The language of ‘love’

Last few days I was trying to pen something for my blog. I had thought of different topics and even began to pen. But unfortunately I could not put an end. I had to give up! Why? I asked myself! Perhaps the pressure of study, struggle of languages (as recently I added Latin!) or may be a bit homesick…

This morning I was trying to study Latin! Sooner I found out that there is a lot to study and I have to ‘burn my midnight oil.’ I spent a couple of hours with Latin and then I began to read the notes of my professor (of course in Italian). I was trying my best and believe me I had a great desire to understand the topic. But again the language appeared to be a problem. As I had to open the dictionary every now and then, I was not able to concentrate on the topic. After sometimes I put aside the notes.

I opened my mailbox, and noticed an email, which I got recently from one of my classmates, who happens to be a nun. After getting my email where I mentioned of my struggle with language, she politely touched upon the ‘language’. She wrote, “To work for God, we do need to master the language of love. Do not worry about your struggle of language, but rather keep in mind the language of love. We are all called to be the messengers of love, to give love and of course have the ability of receiving love.’’

As I reread this particular mail, I felt a sense of encouragement. Interestingly this afternoon I began to read Pope Benedict XVI’s Encyclical Letter ‘Deus Caritas Est’. Having given many Biblical references of love, the Holy Father wrote, “Love is possible, and we are able to practice it because we are created in the image of God. To experience love and in this way to cause the light of God to enter into the world…”

How true! How meaningful! Are we ready to give LOVE and have the ability of receiving LOVE! Do we have the language of LOVE…

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