Saturday, October 30, 2010

My life, My thoughts

Oh language!
I was studying Greek! I found it extremely difficult. Somehow could not concentrate on what I was studying. Then at one point I gave up. There is no point simply wasting my time. Perhaps some other time I will be able to concentrate and study better.

There is a constant change within me since I arrived in Rome. I have begun to see things differently. Am I beginning to grow little serious? I began to think…a little bit of pondering over. One of the things I noticed is that these days I do not speak much. I do not express myself fully. Obviously this is because of language. Many of the times I wanted to share my joys and sorrow with my friends. But I cannot express fully in Italian. Often I put an end of my conversation on half way and tell them that I will narrate other days. I want to crack a joke or contribute my thoughts on certain issue. But language is a barrier. I can switch over to English. But should I do that? My conscious does not allow me to do so?

I must go to bed now. Its 12.25am. Tomorrow I have to get up early. Oh I have made a mistake. I have written in English!!!Never mind, at least I could express my thoughts…good night….


  1. We may be "nemici" but, at least in this, we are together, Mr. Ripon!

  2. Just noticed it. But by now you are far superior than me. Liked you called me Mr Ripon. This remind me of a scholastic of Slovenian. We called each other Mr! Take care...and keep smiling...


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