Sunday, November 4, 2012

Faith: if I dare to say! (Part - 2)

(Time and again, I was asked to share about my faith experiences. Frankly speaking, it is not easy for me to share about faith experiences. I often hesitate to share, thinking my experiences might sound silly and stupid to others. But there are certain experiences, persons and moments that gave me ‘DEEP’ experiences along the way. While thinking about ‘the year of Faith’, I tried to articulate these experiences here. Perhaps these are too stupid, too silly, too childish…but they are priceless to me! They keep me going…)

I was ‘missing’ for a while!

‘Once upon a time’ (this phrase I would often used when I was learning English!), I was separated from my parents for a while. I would rather prefer to say that I was ‘missing’. I must have been a boy of 7/8 years old. I was left all alone in this world. I encountered with a situation where, I would have been taken by the police from the street and put into an orphanage. Or I would have been grown up on the street or in a slum! Perhaps my name and religion would have been changed to something else. My situation would have been like one of the characters of ‘Slumdog Millionaire.’

My life stopped on September 23, 2022

  In 2022...When my life stopped! As I get ready to say good bye to 2022, there are many memories popping up in my mind. 2022 was a memora...