Sunday, July 29, 2012

31 Days!

If only we could!

That must have been sometimes two years ago. I showed the church of Jesus and the Rooms of St Ignatius to three visitors. They were from Bangladesh but presently staying in Europe. Once we came out of the Church and about to say goodbye to each other, one of them expressed his desire to say something. I asked him to say without any hesitation. “We are in Europe and we are very fortunate to see and walk the paths of many saints who have set before us good exams.” He said very slowly but clearly. “If only we could follow their examples in our lives, we could make our world a better world.” He said goodbye to each other but his words lingered with me for quite sometimes.

For the last few days I have been visiting many holy places related to the saints. Yesterday I visited Avila- the places of St Teresa and St John, the Cross. As I was visiting all these holy places, I asked a simple question to myself, if only I could follow the some of the good examples of these holy people….

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